The charter of Teaching and Learning Strategies Working Group (TLSWG) is to gather requirements related to teaching and learning from a large group of practicing instructional designers and educators. These instruction-related requirements will be used by the LETSI (Learning-Education-Training Systems Interoperability) community to guide the technical development of SCORM 2.0. Under the current version of SCORM, many forms of instruction are difficult to implement. The purpose of the TLSWG is to provide input on teaching and learning so that SCORM 2.0 will support and facilitate a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies.
The Working Group focus is to answer three primary questions:
What do Instructional System Designers want to do?
How would instructional designers design SCORM-based instruction if there were no technical limitations?
What do instructional desigers need to enable them to do this?
First Requirements Gathering Session
The ID+SCORM meeting took place in Provo, Utah on Feb 21-22, 2008. Meeting participants included a large number of individuals who are engaged in Instructional System Design on a daily basis. This wiki is designed to record the major findings and discussion points of the meeting.